Programming language C and types of Programming Language C

 Programming language C

A programming language is a formal language comprising

a set of instructions that produce various kinds of output.

Programming languages are used in computer

programming to implement algorithms.

Types of Programming Languages C

There are two types of programming languages, which can

be categorized into the following ways:

1. Low level language

a) Machine language (1GL)

b) Assembly language (2GL)

2. High level language

a) Procedural-Oriented language (3GL)

b) Problem-Oriented language (4GL)

c) Natural language (5GL)

1. Low level language

This language is the most understandable language used

by computer to perform its operations. It can be further

categorized into:

a) Machine Language (1GL)

Machine language consists of strings of binary numbers

(i.e. 0s and 1s) and it is the only one language, the

processor directly understands. Machine language has an

Merits of very fast execution speed and efficient use of

primary memory.

Merits of Machine level Language:

It is directly understood by the processor so has faster

execution time since the programs written in this language

need not to be translated.

It doesn’t need larger memory.

Demerits of Machine level Language :

It is very difficult to program using 1GL since all the

instructions are to be represented by 0s and 1s.

Use of this language makes programming time


It is difficult to find error and to debug.

It can be used by experts only.

b) Assembly Language

Assembly language is also known as low-level language

because to design a program programmer requires detailed

knowledge of hardware specification. This language uses

mnemonics code (symbolic operation code like ‘ADD’ for

addition) in place of 0s and 1s. The program is converted

into machine code by assembler. The resulting program is

referred to as an object code.

Merits of Assembly Language:

It makes programming easier than 1GL since it uses mnemonics

code for programming. Eg: ADD for addition, SUB for subtraction,

DIV for division, etc.

It makes programming process faster.

Error can be identified much easily compared to 1GL.

It is easier to debug than machine language.

Demerits of Assembly Language :

Programs written in this language is not directly understandable by

computer so translators should be used.

It is hardware dependent language so programmers are forced to

think in terms of computer’s architecture rather than to the problem

being solved.

Being machine dependent language, programs written in this

language are very less or not portable.

Programmers must know its mnemonics codes to perform any task.

2. High level language

Instructions of this language closely resembles to human

language or English like words. It uses mathematical

notations to perform the task. The high level language is

easier to learn. It requires less time to write and is easier to

maintain the errors. The high level language is converted

into machine language by one of the two different

languages translator programs; interpreter or compiler.

High level language can be further categorized as:

a) Procedural-Oriented language (3GL)

Procedural Programming is a methodology for modeling

the problem being solved, by determining the steps and

the order of those steps that must be followed in order to

reach a desired outcome or specific program state. These

languages are designed to express the logic and the

procedure of a problem to be solved. It includes languages

such as Pascal, COBOL, C, FORTAN, etc.

Merits of Procedural-Oriented language :

Because of their flexibility, procedural languages are able to

solve a variety of problems.

Programmer does not need to think in term of computer

architecture which makes them focused on the problem.

Programs written in this language are portable.

Demerits of Procedural-Oriented language :

It is easier but needs higher processor and larger memory.

It needs to be translated therefore its execution time is more.

b)Problem-Oriented language (4GL)

It allows the users to specify what the output should be,

without describing all the details of how the data should

be manipulated to produce the result. This is one step

ahead from 3GL. These are result oriented and include

database query language.

Eg: Visual Basic, C#, PHP, etc.

The objectives of 4GL are to:

Increase the speed of developing programs.

Minimize user’s effort to obtain information from


Reduce errors while writing programs.

Merits of Problem-Oriented language:

Programmer need not to think about the procedure of the

program. So, programming is much easier.


It is easier but needs higher processor and larger memory.

It needs to be translated therefore its execution time is


c) Natural language (5GL)

Natural language are still in developing stage where we could write

statements that would look like normal Prolog,

OPS5(Operations Support Systems) etc.

Merits of Natural language :

Easy to program.

Since, the program uses normal sentences, they are easy to


The programs designed using 5GL will have artificial intelligence


The programs would be much more interactive and interesting.


It is slower than previous generation language as it should be

completely translated into binary code which is a tedious task.

Highly advanced and expensive electronic devices are required to

run programs developed in 5GL. Therefore, it is an

expensive approach.

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